Paulose Mar Coorilos -
1850 - 1917 - 100th Commemoration
Paulose Mar Coorilos, was born as the third son of Mulanthuruthy Kochuparambil Kurien of Thozhuppadan family of Kandanad. His mother was the daughter of Mulanthuruthy Fr. Thoppil Scaria on 4th December 1850
the beloved disciple of the pious and saintly Yuyakkim Mor Koorilos and a close associate of Mor Gregorios Geevarghese of Parumala,.
Paulos was ordained deacon at the age of nine by the Mar Koorilos Yuyakkim. It is said that the Mar Koorilos Yuuakkim during the ordination of Paulose had a vision that this deacon will once lead the people of Malankara. The young deacon, after completing his primary education, went for his religious studies under the Malpan Fr. Pallathattu Geevarghese (uncle of Parumala Thirumeni) and Fr. Malpan Koonappillil Geevarghese.
Priestly Ordination
Deacon Paulose was ordained Priest at the age of sixteen. On 25 dhanu 1042, he offered his first Holy Qurbana at the Kandanad Martha Mariam church which was his father's parish. Even though Fr. Paulose was very young in age; he was well advanced in spiritual knowledge and faith. This prompted the Mulanthuruthy church to invite the young priest to their church and thus Fr. Paulose became the vicar of that church.
Deacon Paulose was ordained Priest at the age of sixteen. On 25 dhanu 1042, he offered his first Holy Qurbana at the Kandanad Martha Mariam church which was his father's parish. Even though Fr. Paulose was very young in age; he was well advanced in spiritual knowledge and faith. This prompted the Mulanthuruthy church to invite the young priest to their church and thus Fr. Paulose became the vicar of that church.
Fr. Paulose who got spiritual inspiration from Fr. Geevarghese Chathuruthy (Saint Gregorios of Parumala), became an ascetic and idealist. On 5th September 1876, the visiting Patriarch of Antioch Mar Ignatius Peter IV elevated Fr. Paulose as a Ramban. The young Ramban started the monastic life at Vettikkal Dayyra. In 1877 the foundation stone of the Vettickal Dayyra - the first monastery of the Malankara Church - was laid.
Fr. Paulose who got spiritual inspiration from Fr. Geevarghese Chathuruthy (Saint Gregorios of Parumala), became an ascetic and idealist. On 5th September 1876, the visiting Patriarch of Antioch Mar Ignatius Peter IV elevated Fr. Paulose as a Ramban. The young Ramban started the monastic life at Vettikkal Dayyra. In 1877 the foundation stone of the Vettickal Dayyra - the first monastery of the Malankara Church - was laid.
Ramban Paulose who was very keen in the development of the monastery. He later took the initiative to start several other schools in the villages such as Pothrukka, Vadavukode, Oorakkad etc. which helped for the educational uplift of its members there. The then Malankara Metropolitan Mar Dionysius V (Pulikottil II) was very pleased with Ramban Paulose and made him manager of the Old Seminary at Kottayam. When Chathuruthil Mar Gregorios (Parumala Thirumeni) went to visit the Holy land, Ramban Paulose also accompanied the saintly father.
In 1901, Ramban Paulose was send to Thiruvanathapuram to construct a church for the Syrian Christians settled there. His untiring efforts and able leadership helped to complete the church construction within a year. The church which was the first religious centre of the Syrian Orthodox Christians of Thiruvanathapuram was dedicated in the name of St. George. After its successful completion, the Ramban returned to Old Seminary and took charge as its Manager once again.
Metropolitan Consecration
Acknowledging the dedicated services of Ramban Paulose, the Malankara Synod held on the 30th day of demise of St. Gregorios (Dec. 1902), decided to elevate him as Metropolitan. Vattasseril Geevarghese Malpan was the other Metropolitan candidate chosen by the Synod.
On 31st May 1908, the Patriarch of Antioch & all the East H.H. Ignatius Abded 'Aloho (Abdulla II) consecrated Ramban Paulos as Metropolitan by name "Mar Koorilos" at the St. Mark's Syrian Orthodox Monastery in Jerusalem. Vattasseril Geevarghese Malpan was also ordained Metropolitan together with Mar Koorilos by the Patriarch then. On their return the newly ordained Metropolitans, Mor Koorilos and Mor Dionysius, along with Mar Osthatheos Sleeba (who was ordained Metropolitan a few months before) were given a grand welcome in Malankara.
Metropolitan Consecration
Acknowledging the dedicated services of Ramban Paulose, the Malankara Synod held on the 30th day of demise of St. Gregorios (Dec. 1902), decided to elevate him as Metropolitan. Vattasseril Geevarghese Malpan was the other Metropolitan candidate chosen by the Synod.
On 31st May 1908, the Patriarch of Antioch & all the East H.H. Ignatius Abded 'Aloho (Abdulla II) consecrated Ramban Paulos as Metropolitan by name "Mar Koorilos" at the St. Mark's Syrian Orthodox Monastery in Jerusalem. Vattasseril Geevarghese Malpan was also ordained Metropolitan together with Mar Koorilos by the Patriarch then. On their return the newly ordained Metropolitans, Mor Koorilos and Mor Dionysius, along with Mar Osthatheos Sleeba (who was ordained Metropolitan a few months before) were given a grand welcome in Malankara.
After becoming a Metropolitan, Mor Koorilos started gospel work, assisted by Fr. Michael of Kayamkulam and brought many to Christianity. Mor Koorilos, commonly known as `Kochuparambil Thirumeni', started many monasteries and orphanages all over Malankara and bought 300 acres of land near Pothanikkad for the Church.
Malankara Metropolitan
Malankara Metropolitan
The saintly Kochuparambil Mar Koorilos Thirumeni as the Malankara Metropolitan on 30th August 1911. Mar Koorilos, who always aimed and worked for the development of Malankara Church and for its spiritual children, had never retained anything for his own. The relentless work and politically charged atmosphere that prevailed in the Church at that time, made Mar Koorilos weak and sick. The on-going disputes destroyed the peaceful atmosphere in the Old Seminary where he was staying. This prompted Mor Koorilos to move to the nearby Panampady Church. However, the health of Mor Koorilos deteriorated further and on 1st dhanu 1093 (December 14th, 1917) the saintly father was called to the eternal rest and was entombed at Panampady St. Mary's Church near Kottayam.
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