Why Worry About Clothing.....

The Lilies

Rev. Fr. K M George

We sat on derries spread out under the peepal trees on the bank of the
river phalguni in south karnataka. We were some 25 priests together
with bishop Yacob Mar Elias of Brahmavar diocese. I was supported to assist in some sessions of the lenten retreat of the priests out in plain nature. The beautiful river front was very quiet and deserted except
for three sand-mining workers and some storks and other birds on
the other side of the river

We started with a small field exercise. Everyone was asked to scout around and find a wild flower each, small or big, in ten minutes. At the beginning we thought there would be some five to ten different flowers at the most in that small patch of grassy, sandy bank of the river. When we came together we counted up to 31 different flowers. Most of them were extremely tiny. We began our meditation on what Jesus said on the lilies of the field: 

"And why worry about your clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as one of these."
(Matthew 6:28-29)

Yes, we had collected the lilies of the field, more than thirty Solomons with their glorious regalia! They are too small to be noticed. People usually ignore them. We trample them under foot. Most of us do not even see these as we walk over them. Yet, take one of these and place it under a microscope or take a picture with a special magnifying lens. You will be amazed at the intricate design and magnificent colors embedded in those tiny, unimpressive wild flowers

Think of the comparison which Jesus makes between the wild lily and King Solomon. It would appear ridiculous to our modern sophisticated minds. How can a negligibly small flower of the field be more splendidly arrayed than the great Solomon in all his royal glory?

Yet, this is how Jesus looked at everything in this world. It is the regard of the heavenly Father, the Creator God who stoops down to lift the poor and the needy and to care for every humble thing (Psalm 113:6). Jesus shows us that " the small is beautiful
Let us try to follow this model to shape our Lenten regard, our perspective on God's creation. Can we also stoop down and see the small people - poor, miserable, afflicted, oppressed, helpless and dying in despair. They are out on the margins of the society, the unimpressive and the unwanted, trodden underfoot by those with wealth and power...

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