The Preparatory Service .....

The Thooyobo :

The Eucharistic liturgy begins with what is called the service of "Thooyobo" (preparation). 

                                                                                                                                         This touching preparatory part of the liturgy is performed nowadays by the 

Priest alone in the silence and seclusion of the closed sanctuary, while the congregation sings the morning office outside of it. It is done silently or in subdued voice and the whole preparation becomes the proper base for the public liturgy.

The preparatory service comprises, among other things, these elements :
- Placing of bread and wine to be consecrated on the altar.
- Prayers of personal repentance and confession of the priest.
-Priest's prayerful vesting or wearing of sacred vestments,
- Intercessory prayers for all kinds of people from Adam and Eve to the present.

For those who do it in its true spirit it is really empowering and deeply moving. We may take this "thooyobo" (preparation) for the public liturgy as a metaphor for other aspects of our spiritual life too. For example, the Lent is considered as preparatory to the great and saving celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ. Closeted in the silent cave of our Lenten practice, we may experience dimensions of silence, sobriety and sojourn essential for our Lenten spirituality. We do not need to display our fasting and related practices to people outside though we join the community prayers and observe the fasting rules of the Church in parishes, monasteries, seminaries and homes.

The metaphor of preparation can also be applied to our whole life. As the ascetic Fathers point out again and again, our whole life in this world is preparatory for the eternal life to come. We try to bring out the holiness of life through meditation of the Word of God and the exercise of virtues. 

Let us enter the secret chamber of our heart as Jesus taught us. In repentance and hope let us place our lives on the altar of Christ as a living sacrifice of praise; let us put on the "garment of incorruption", the vestment of immortal glory. 

Let us uphold all those who are weak and suffering, the poor and the oppressed before the merciful Father in heaven.

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